In this online course, students will learn about bacteria, their “lifestyle”, methods for how to get rid of them, why are they important for us and what can they do to us. Students will study the most important groups of bacteria as well as antibiotics. They will acquire knowledge in order to understand the relationship between humans and bacteria. Students will also learn how to cultivate bacteria and how to work with various pathogenic bacteria while also studying normal human microflora and biofilms. The course will lead them through the basics of clinical and general bacteriology and examples that can be seen in everyday life. Students will learn how to use bacteria for the production of various products and also learn the basics of antibiotics, including the correct usage, general mechanisms of action, and dangers of ever-rising bacterial resistance.
Students are strongly recommended to study, on average, about 7 hours per week.
PREREQUISITES: Advanced Knowledge of Biology
Očima instruktorky Kataríny
Kurz Fascinating World of Microbiology - The Kingdom of Bacteria učí základy bakteriologie se zaměřením na biologii člověka. Kurz nabízí praktické tipy a rady do života. Studenty často některá témata zaujmou více a tak je společně rozebíráme podrobněji. Baví mě sdílet mé nadšení pro mikrobiologii se stejně nadšenými studenty. Je to taková naše společná cesta světem bakterií.
The Fascinating World of Microbiology - The Kingdom of Bacteria course presents the basics of bacteriology with a special focus on humans. Besides that, it offers practical tips and advice for daily life. Students often get interested in a certain topic and we have further discussions about it. I really enjoy sharing my passion for microbiology with enthusiastic and curious students. It is a "shared journey" throughout the world of bacteria!