AP Computer Science A jsem si zvolil, protože mě programování zajímalo už od prvních let na gymnáziu. Tento kurz mě jednoduše a zábavnou formou dokázal naučit základy programování v jazyce Java, které používám dodnes. Instruktorka byla velmi příjemná, podporovala i ve studiu nad rámec kurzu a na jakékoliv dotazy ihned odpovídala. Trochu jsem se bál, jestli tomu budu rozumnět, když bude všechno v angličtině, ale nakonec to nebylo tak téžké a moje jazykové schopnosti se díky kurzu také mnohem zlepšily a byly tím poloeny základy pro moje následné studium v Anglii. Celkově jsme si kurz moc užil a byla to výborná zkušenost. Nakonec děkuji CTM, že tyto kurzy poskytuje, a také mojí škole, která přispívala na náklady kurzu a díky které jsem se o CTM dozvěděl.
Adam K., 2021

At the beginning of the course, I didnt know what the expect. The first modules were very instructive and helped get into some rythm. Overall, the modules were about the same difficulty overall, some being harder and some easier than others. Overall I tried to learn each week for about 9-10 hours, which is the recommended time, mostly reviewing the past module. Some assingments were pretty hard, but it wasnt anything horrible, just more of a way to really test your abilities. I think the course is fairly good.
Tadeáš R., 2021

I really enjoyed this course and felt that it was well taught and that it made almost every concept easily understandable. Compared with my experience with the AP Calculus BC course I took with CTM last year, I also felt that this course was not as time demanding as the previous one.
Kryštof L., 2021

I am very happy with my final grade in this course. It took a lot of work, but it was well worth it. This was by far the best course I´ve ever did. I really enjoyed this course and I´ve started developing my own mobile app because of it.
Šimon S., 2021

As a student in the year 2020/2021, to attend this course was one of the best decisions of the previous year. I feel like I would have missed out on a great opportunity to learn something, while I had the time for it during the pandemic, and I am therefore very grateful for this course.
Not only did I get to understand how to program Java, but I also learned how to write emails to people I don’t know, embrace my mistakes, because I could not take them back, or be confident with my work on the outside, even though I wasn’t at all sure with myself. These are all skills that I find highly valuable, and would not have gained - or at least not have them on such a level that I have them now – were it not for this course.
The structure of the course, meaning what was taught when, was probably one of the biggest strengths of the course. The language was very nicely introduced, and then one started to slowly pack more and more to it, as a snowball rolling down the hill. The easiest things were taught at the beginning, and it slowly progressed to harder things.
One of the courses most important part is the instructor. I would like to thank my instructor Michael, who helped me along with the course and always was there when I needed something, and was always really energetic and pleasant. Always when I needed set date for a discussion based assessment, he was completely ready anytime, and that helped a ton. Or anytime there was a problem, something I didn’t understand, a mistake in an assignment, he always came to help, and replied to emails in a matter of 24 hours.
All in all, I think AP Computer Science A was a great new opportunity for me. I really enjoyed it and feel like I made the right decision to study it this year. Not only did I learn programming, but also a bunch of other skills, that are really useful. I spent about 7 hours a week on the course, which is I believe way less than the course states will be needed, but I think this was partly because I already knew a similar programming language. I still had a great time completing the assignments though and am definitely going to remember this course.
Sebastian M., 2021

Overall, I am very happy with what I have learned. I am able to create complex applications for any platform. All of the knowledge learned in the course can also be applied to other programming languages - I did not have any problems learning C# or javascript.
Rostislav L., 2021

This course was a really nice opportunity to find out if programming is something I would like to do. I found out that it is. It gave me a really good view in programming world.
Adam K., 2021

This course brought me a new grasp of programming languages. I've pursued fundamental and applicable concepts that I didn't do in free programming language courses before embarking on this course. I enjoyed working on most projects though sometimes it didn't appear to be a doddle. Despite my still little knowledge of Java, I know the basics and am ready to study the uneasiest syntax and stuff that professional Java developers implement in their codes. Furthermore, I thank my instructor for his aid and kindness!
Věra S., 2021