kód kurzu: FLVS_APCOMPS
název kurzu: AP Computer Science A Online
délka kurzu: 2 semesters
rok školní docházky / grade: 9 - 13
partner: FLVS - Florida Virtual School Global
The AP® Computer Science A online course is equivalent to the first semester of a college level computer science course. The course involves developing the skills to write programs or part of programs to correctly solve specific problems. AP® Computer Science A also emphasizes the design issues that make programs understandable, adaptable, and when appropriate, reusable. At the same time, the development of useful computer programs and classes is used as a context for introducing other important concepts in computer science, including the development and analysis of algorithms, the development and use of fundamental data structures, and the study of standard algorithms and typical applications. In addition an understanding of the basic hardware and software components of computer systems and the responsible use of these systems are integral parts of the course.
There are two computer science offerings, and students can take either course in any order or concurrently:
■ AP Computer Science A focuses on computing skills related to programming in Java.
■ AP Computer Science Principles provides students with a broad introduction to computer science and how it relates to other fields. The courses underscore the importance of communicating solutions appropriately and in ways that are relevant to current societal needs. AP Computer Science courses can help address traditional issues of equity, access, and broadening participation in computing while providing a strong and engaging introduction to fundamental areas of the discipline
AP Computer Science A introduces students to computer science through programming. Fundamental topics in this course include the design of solutions to problems, the use of data structures to organize large sets of data, the development and implementation of algorithms to process data and discover new information, the analysis of potential solutions, and the ethical and social implications of computing systems. The course emphasizes object-oriented programming and design using the Java programming language.
It is recommended that students have successfully completed a first- year high school algebra course with a strong foundation of basic linear functions, composition of functions, and problem-solving strategies that require multiple approaches and collaborative efforts. In addition, students should be able to use a Cartesian (x, y) coordinate system to represent points on a plane. It is important that students and their advisers understand that any significant computer science course builds upon a foundation of mathematical reasoning that should be acquired before attempting such a course.
Prior computer science experience is not required to take this course.
The course requires that solutions of problems be written in the Java programming language. Because the Java programming language is extensive, the AP Computer Science A Exam covers a subset of Java.
Major topical areas include:
Highly qualified instructors guide students through online lectures, readings, forum discussions, design and programming exercises, project assignments, and other resources. Student knowledge is assessed through homework assignments, projects, and exams.
Please note that the curriculum in this course requires students to download software to complete programming projects, and this program is not compatible with Chromebooks. Students attempting to complete this course should use a compatible device and not a Chromebook.
Study materials (e-books, Discovery Education, etc. ...) for FLVS Global courses are INCLUDED in the price of the course.
About a course with CSA bot
Enter your name:
>> Jarda
Hello Jarda! I am the CSA bot! Do you want to learn something about programming? (Yes/No)
>> Yes
Good! This is the right place for you! Do you have any prior experience with programming? (Yes/No)
>> No
Never mind! This course starts with the basics in the understandable way suited for begginers. No worries though, if it seems too simple from the start (or if you have already done some programming before), it gets more challenging later. Hence this course is suitable for every mind that likes to learn something new effectively and likes to feel the satisfaction after cracking the challenges waiting in the modules of the course!
Jarda, do you have any other question? Choose one:
>> 2
The basic concepts of computer science, programming designs, how to write algorithms (e.g. sorting algorithms) and more importantly, you’ll know how to think critically as a programmer. Even if you won’t pursue a career of a programmer, this will ease your further studies, e.g. do you need to process physics lab data using complicated formulas and print the results into neatly designed text output? Easy! The course will open the doors to the vast world of computer science for you and it will lay the critical foundations that will help you to orientate in more complicated programming concepts.
Jarda, do you have any other question?
>> 1
You’ll be learning Java. Java is a powerful object-oriented programming language. But it’s not that important what programming language you learn. More important is to learn the concept of programming itself, how to use variables, how to algorithmize etc.
Jarda, now you know everything, so why don’t jump right in?
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