Journalism I provides students with the fundamental basics of journalism. Students begin by exploring the history of American journalism, examining different media such as print, radio, television, and internet journalism. Students learn how to write a news story, a feature story, and an editorial, with a focus on research, analyzing the reliability of sources, conducting interviews, writing leads, revising, and self-editing. Students will also take a close look at different careers in journalism, ethics in journalism, and visual layouts using technology, including web 2.0 tools.
Instructor Bruno Zalubil says:
“This course looks into the Journalism industry from the United States point of view. You will write different types of articles, get useful practice with university-level multiple-choice exams, and work with classmates on collaborative projects. There are also live face-time sessions to discuss contemporary journalism.
I, personally, really like this class because I worked as a journalist in the United States, work a little bit in journalism here in the Czech Republic, and still follow the industry closely. It is fun and enlightening to dig into and think about contemporary media issues.”