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Rok školní docházky / Grade: 9 - 13
Termín: Pozdní podzim / Late Fall 2024
Partner: nezvolen
The AP Computer Science A course is an introductory computer science course. A large part of the course involves developing the skills to write programs or parts of programs that correctly solve specific problems. The course also emphasizes the design issues that make programs understandable, adaptable, and when appropriate, reusable.At the same time, the development of useful computer programs and classes is used as a context for introducing other important concepts in computer science, including the development and analysis of algorithms, the development and use of fundamental data structures, and the study of standard algorithms and typical applications. In addition, an understanding of the basic hardware and software components of computer systems and the responsible use of these systems are integral parts of the course.
The AP Computer Science A (AP CSA) course is complementary to AP Computer Science principles (AP CSP). While AP CSA focuses primarily on the technical aspects of Java programming in software development, AP CSP uses programming in Python to solve a wide range of real-world problems and explore the underlying principles of computation across other disciplines.
The AP exam fee is not included in the course fee.
Students are strongly recommended to study on average 10 hours per week.
RECOMMENDED PREREQUISITES: It is recommended that students have successfully completed a first- year high school algebra course with a strong foundation of basic linear functions, composition of functions, and problem-solving strategies that require multiple approaches and collaborative efforts. Prior computer science experience is not required to take this course.
kód kurzu: FLVS_APCOMPS
délka kurzu: 2 semesters
cena kurzu: 19 300,- Kč / 811,- EUR
rok školní docházky / grade: 9 - 13
partner: FLVS - Florida Virtual School Global
This course introduces students to the essential concepts of computer science and challenges them to discover how computers and ICT impact the world around us. The main topics include: programming, abstractions, algorithms, large data sets, the Internet, cyber security, and the impact of computing on our everyday life. The AP Computer Science Principles (AP CSP) course is complementary to AP Computer Science A. The AP CSP course is often taken by future IT professionals who want to build a solid understanding of the given field. Furthermore, AP CSP attracts students interested in a wide range of subjects, ranging from science and mathematics to medicine, journalism or even art, who would like to acquire a competitive edge by understanding computer science and the way it relates to their particular field as well as to the real world in general.
The AP exam fee is not included in the course fee.
Students are strongly recommended to study on average 8 hours per week.
It is recommended that students in the AP Computer Science Principles course have successfully completed a first-year high school algebra course with a strong foundation of basic linear functions, composition of functions, and problem-solving strategies that require multiple approaches and collaborative efforts. In addition, students should be able to use a Cartesian (x, y) coordinate system to represent points on a plane. It is important that students and their advisers understand that any significant computer science course builds upon a foundation of mathematical reasoning that should be acquired before attempting such a course. Prior computer science experience is not required to take this course.
kód kurzu: CTM_APCSP
délka kurzu: 2 semesters
cena kurzu: 19 300,- Kč / 811,- EUR
rok školní docházky / grade: 9 - 13
partner: CTM
Artificial Intelligence in the World is an introductory course that guides students through the concepts, tools, and building blocks of artificial intelligence. This course provides students with a broad overview of how AI is used in decision-making and problem-solving worldwide. Students will learn how ethics impacts AI and will also have the opportunity to explore the various parts of AI with hands-on activities through the use of chatbots and other exciting interactives. Students are strongly recommended to study on average 4 hours per week.
kód kurzu: FLVS_AIW
délka kurzu: 1 semestr
cena kurzu: 11 750,- Kč / 494,- EUR
rok školní docházky / grade: 9 - 13
partner: FLVS - Florida Virtual School Global
This inspiring course covers the fundamentals of computer safety, network security, and prevention of digital attacks. Students experience a hands-on approach to security strategies, expand their computer and networking security techniques, and improve their problem-solving skills. Students will also explore numerous employment opportunities in one of the fastest-growing industries – Cybersecurity. Students are strongly recommended to study 4 - 6 hours per week.
kód kurzu: FLVS_CYBERSEC
délka kurzu: 2 semesters
cena kurzu: 14 500,- Kč / 609,- EUR
rok školní docházky / grade: 9 - 13
partner: FLVS - Florida Virtual School Global
Have you or someone you know ever had personal information compromised? This inspiring course covers defensive strategies for computer, mobile device, and network security. You’ll experience a hands-on approach to security strategies, expand your computer and networking security techniques, and improve your problem-solving skills. You will also explore numerous employment opportunities and prepare for one of the fastest-growing industries: cybersecurity. Cybersecurity Essentials is the third course in the Applied Cybersecurity program of study in the Information Technology career cluster.
Students are strongly recommended to study 4 - 6 hours per week.
PREREQUISITES: Digital Information Technology (recommended) & Computer and Network Security Fundamentals
délka kurzu: 2
cena kurzu: 14 500,- Kč / 609,- EUR
rok školní docházky / grade: 9 - 13
partner: FLVS - Florida Virtual School Global
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