For a year, students participate in the AP Dinner Party in the AP Literature and Composition course. Menu items include reading, analyzing, writing, rewriting, and discussing creations by the master chefs, renowned authors. Through close reading of the text of these authors, you'll discover the various ways writers use language to provide meaning and pleasure for their readers. The AP Literature and Composition course requires intensive concentration on composition skills (both yours and the author's) in areas of structure, style, and theme. You'll also analyze authors' narrative techniques, like use of figurative language, imagery, symbolism, and tone. The AP Literature and Composition dinner party equips students with recipes for success in college, in a career and the AP exam.
This course is designed to be highly teacher facilitated. Instructors give a great deal of specific and timely feedback. Students have opportunities for oral examinations, discussions, and whiteboards. Teachers conduct synchronous Elluminate sessions, which require critical thinking and analysis.
Student assessment occurs at a variety of levels throughout the lesson and course. Students are assessed via oral assessment and other synchronous sessions. Actual course assessment types include student assessed work, auto-graded, partially auto- graded, and totally instructor graded assignments.
This course provides high school students with college-level instruction in active, close reading, and analysis of imaginative literature. Through the close reading of works of literary merit, students learn to consider how a work's style, figurative language, theme, and other literary elements contribute to its meaning and cultural significance.This approach to analyzing prose and poetry allows students to establish connections, make observations about textual details, and sharpen their understanding of these nuances through their own writing. This course will effectively prepare students for the AP Exam and learning beyond the exam by enabling them to read, analyze, and write about complex texts.