Students, as mathematic analysts, will investigate how advanced mathematics concepts can solve problems encountered in operating national parks. The purpose of this course is to study functions and develop skills necessary for the study of calculus. The Pre-calculus course includes analytical geometry and trigonometry. Pre-calculus is an Honors level course.
Study materials (e-books, Discovery Education, etc. ...) for FLVS Global courses are INCLUDED in the price of the course.

Kurz Pre-Calculus je důkladnou přípravou pro náročnější kurzy Calculus Honors, AP Calculus AB a AP Calculus BC. Kurz obsahuje témata jako funkce, trigonometrie, řešení rovnic vyšších stupňů, polární souřadnice, komplexní čísla, nekonečné řady nebo limita funkce. Na uvedeném přehledu je vidět, že učivo v kurzu je tvořeno tématy z různých ročníků našich SŠ a obsahuje také témata, s nimiž se typicky studenti na našich středních školách neseznámí.
RNDr. Ing. Jana Kalová, PhD., instruktorka CTM Online kurzů
The Pre-Calculus course is a thorough preparation for the more demanding courses of Calculus Honors, AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC. It contains topics such as functions, trigonometry, solving higher-degree equations, polar co-ordinates, complex numbers, infinite series or limits of functions. It can be seen on the above list that the syllabus of the course consists of fields which are usually encountered during various levels of high-school education, but it also contains certain topics which are above the high-school level and are often not met in the standard classes.
RNDr. Ing. Jana Kalová, PhD., CTM Online instructor