Detailní popis
Algebra I is the foundation—the skills acquired in this course contain the basic knowledge needed for all future high school math courses. The material covered in this course is important, but everyone can do it. Anyone can have a good time solving the hundreds of real-world problems algebra can help answer.
Each module in this course is presented in a step-by-step way right on the computer screen. Hands-on labs make the numbers, graphs, and equations more real. The content in this course is tied to real-world applications like sports, travel, business, and health.
This course is designed to give students the skills and strategies to solve all kinds of mathematical problems. Students will also acquire the confidence needed to handle everything high school math has in store for them.
Study materials (e-books, Discovery Education, etc. ...) for FLVS Global courses are INCLUDED in the price of the course.
Instruktor Pavel doporučuje:
Algebra I je komplexní kurz, který se zaměřuje především na základní poznatky středoškolské (a někdy i vysokoškolské) matematiky. Celý kurz je interaktivní, na každou dílčí otázku vždy dostanete okamžitou odpověď. Je členěný na menší celky, které postupně zvládne každý. Přesto je výzvou. Velký důraz je kladen na samotné pochopení látky a jejích zákonitostí. Právě proto je probíraná látka vždy demonstrována na reálných situacích ze života. Názorně si tak osvojíte nejen teorii, ale i její využití v praxi.
Kurz samozřejmě zahrnuje i vedení lektora, pravidelné online konzultace a jeho pomoc kdykoliv, kdy potřebujete s něčím poradit.
Algebru I bych doporučil především (8. třída ZŠ - 1. ročník SŠ) studentům, kteří si chtějí procvičit základy algebry, pochopit základní matematické vztahy a načerpat slovní zásobu matematických odborných termínů v Anglickém jazyce. Všechny načerpané vědomosti pak mohou studenti rozšířit v navazujícím kurzu Algebra II. Neztratí se ale ani v kurzech jako je Pre-Calculus, nebo Calculus Honors.
Struktura kurzu
Study Scope and Sequence
Segment One
Module 01 - Algebra Basics
- Introduction to Algebra Basics
- Algebraic Expressions
- Solving One-Variable Equations
- Creating One-Variable Equations
- One-Variable Inequalities
- One-Variable Compound Inequalities
- Literal Equations
Module 02 - Linear Functions
- Introduction to Linear Functions
- Relations and Functions
- Evaluating Functions
- Key Features of Linear Functions
- Writing Linear Functions
- Comparing Linear Functions
Module 03 - Exponential Functions
- Introduction to Exponential Functions
- Exponents and Radicals
- Exponential Equations and Functions
- Key Features of Exponential Functions
- Graphing Exponential Functions
- Exploring Linear and Exponential Functions
Module 04 - Statistics
- Introduction to Statistics
- Representing Data
- Two-Way Frequency Tables
- Scatter Plots and Line of Best Fit
- Correlation and Causation
Segment Two
Module 05 - Systems of Equations and Inequalities
- Introduction to Systems of Equations and Inequalities
- Solving Systems of Equations Graphically
- Solving Systems of Equations using Substitution
- Solving Systems of Equations using Elimination
- Two-Variable Linear Inequalities
- Systems of Linear Inequalities
Module 06 - Polynomial Operations
- Introduction to Polynomial Operations
- Characteristics of Polynomials
- Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
- Multiplying and Dividing Monomials
- Multiplying and Dividing Polynomials
Module 07 - Factoring Polynomials
- Introduction to Factoring Polynomials
- Greatest Common Factor
- Factoring by Grouping
- Factoring Trinomials
- Difference of Perfect Squares
Module 08 - Quadratic Functions
- Introduction to Quadratic Functions
- Graphing Quadratic Functions
- Completing the Square
- Quadratic Formula
- Applications of Quadratic Functions
- Comparing Functions
- Writing Quadratic Functions
Sylabus kurzu
Ke kurzu nepotřebujete další materiály.
cena kurzu: 13 500,- Kč / 567,- EUR
Zkušenosti studentů

Thank you for the course, as well as for your availability. The materials and concepts within the lessons were made clear and easy to understand, overall I enjoyed the course.
Dominik R., 2021

I really enjoyed learning new things and overcoming new challenges and I sincerely hope that the work that I have done during this course will not come in vain and that I will utilize it some time later in life. So thank you for teaching me so many things.
Leonard W., 2021

Thank you for your help and a great experience from the course.
Filip S., 2021