Padesátdva vynikajících českých a slovenských středoškoláků získalo díky AFCSLS v letech 2010 - 2018 plná stipendia na letní program CTY Summer pořádaný Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth v USA, a příležitost strávit tři týdny se stejně talentovanými a ambiciózními studenty z celého světa v letním programu CTY ve Spojených státech, v Irsku. a Hong Kongu.
Přečtěte si, co o programu a svých zkušenostech říkají studenti:
Andrzej Novak si vybral kurz "Mathematics of Competitive Behavior" na Princeton University v létě 2012. Jedná se o využití teorie pravděpodobnosti a statistiky v teorii her. Andrzej mimo jiné ocenil několik setkaní během studia s John Nashem, zakladatelem teorie her a laureatem Nobelovi ceny. Andrej nyní již studuje na Johns Hopkins University. Více v dopise od Andrzeje...
Jiří Lhotka, PORG, Praha
"Nerad nazývám něco nejlepším, ale díky americkému přístupu, který jsem si osvojil v průběhu svého pobytu mohu říct: tři týdny se CTY byly nezapomenutelné a jsem vděčný AFCSLS za to, že jsem se programu mohl zúčastnit."
Kristýna Rousová, Gymnázium Jana Keplera, Praha
"Strávila jsem tři týdny plné nových zážitků, přátel a epidemiologie na Princetonu. Ráda bych vyjádřila svou vděčnost panu Hermanovi a všem zakládajícím členům a sponzorům nadace AFCSLS za podporu tohoto úžasného programu a to nejen v posledních čtyřech úspěšných letech, ale doufám, že také v budoucnosti."
Víta Všianský, Gymnázium Matyáše Lercha, Brno
"Letni program na Princetonu mi dal spoustu nových přátel, skvělé zážitky, spoustu zábavy a především - inspiraci. Všichni a všechno bylo opravdu inspirující. Je to opravdu těžké popsat, musíte to zažít sami."
Veronika Ambrožová, Gymnázium Kpt. Jaroše, Brno
"What I really liked about local educational attitude was the way we have been shown how to apply learned strategies in real life. I find this approach very beneficial. As a consequence, not only the students come to understand the topic more naturally, but they also consider its uses and overall, remember more in the end. Altogether, my summer experience gave me not just new contacts, friends and acquaintances, but also an insight into the American educational system and the possibilities of how to become a part of it."
Kryštof Hes, Gymnázium Nad Alejí, Praha
"Do soutěže AFCSLS o stipendia na letní kurzy CTY jsem se přihlásil již minulý rok. Tehdy se mi podařilo dostat do druhého (tedy interview) kola, které pro mě ale zároveň bylo poslední. Letos jsem se přihlásil znovu a tentokrát to vyšlo! Nezapomenu na okamžik, kdy mi kamarádka volala, že na facebookové stránce AFCSLS četla, že jsem se dostal na program do Irska. Byl jsem ohromený a ještě několik dní jsem nemohl uvěřit, že se mi to skutečně povedlo."
Petr Houška, Gymnázium Jírovcova, České Budějovice
"Speaking of social interactions I must say that I haven’t met such open, nice, and generally interesting people before. And the best thing is that almost everyone is willing to share their story and listen to yours which makes both getting to know new cultures and practising English even easier."
Zuzana Hromcová, Gymnázium Velká Okružná, Žilina
"The course I was studying was called The Mathematics of Competitive Behavior and it was held at Princeton University, New Jersey. The main topic was game theory but we also learned something from economics, combinatorics and real-life applications of the game theory such as in politics or economics."
Tomáš Kremelt, Gymnázium Jakuba Škody Komenského, Přerov
"Thank you for this opportunity, the experiences, getting to meet people, and to see many incredible things.I am glad I could meet my donors, that I could speak with you and that we have some common memories."
Jakub Lebeda, Spojená škola-Gymnázium, Bratislava-Ružinov
"Participating in this program was the best thing I have ever experienced."
Lenka Šlegerová, Gymnázium Jana Nerudy, Praha
"Meeting all of the talented and clever people at the university even increased my desire to study, learn new things and grab every possible opportunity. I would have never experienced all of these things without AFCSLS and theiramazing offer. I wish everyone had the same chance."
Mojmír Stehlík, Gymnázium Trebišovská 12, Košice
"Landing at Newark international airport and seeing the skyline of Manhattan behind the little airplane window into which you have to so uncomfortably lean in order to see the land beneath I was unable to stop a question from repeatedly coming up in my head: “What did I do to deserve this?”In front of me were three weeks of the Center for Talented Youth at Princeton – probably the best summer education a high school student can get. There were many other people applying for the view I was just enjoying and I still could not believe I was lucky enough to make it all the way here."
Tomáš Zahradník, Gymnázium Oty Pavla, Radotín
“Three weeks for the rest of life” is the motto of my experience."
Jiří Lhotka, PORG, Praha
"As much as I have enjoyed the course, I believe an even more important part of the CTY experience lies in the community. The group of people coming from all around the world, where everyone was from a different background and had different interests,became so tight that by the end saying our goodbyes got so emotional that almost everyone cried."
Kristýna Rousová, Gymnázium Jana Keplera, Praha
"With the exploration and completion of CTY course, not only my educational preferences and career targets started to clarify, butalso the countless number of possible opportunities started to arise."
David Hrůša, Novy PORG, Praha
"Our class saw John Nash; one of the founders of modern game theory that we were studying in our class. He does his research in Princeton."
Dominika Kružíková, Gymnázium Jírovcova, České Budějovice
"All the hard work during the school year was totally worth it. I can’t say how grateful I am for having this opportunity and I’ll never forget about it. I honestly wish that more students would have the same chance as I had."
Libuše Janská, Gymnázium Nad Alejí, Praha
"My CTY experience was much more than I expected. Not only did I gain knowledge and useful skill, but also a better understanding of my own priorities and valuable friendships. I feel greatly encouraged to continue on working hard to achieve my dreams. I am incredibly grateful I had the opportunity to take part in the CTY summer. It gave me so much.I hope this will continue on being an opportunity for other students as well. It would be a shame if they would miss this amazing experience."
Martin Sarvaš, Gymnázium Trebišovska 12, Košice
"I cannot express how grateful I am for this opportunity. It was the American Fund For Czech and Slovak Leadership Studies that made it possible for me to "suck" all the knowledge in. I feel very lucky for having this opportunity and I honestly hope (and try!) to get the most out of this and to translate the skills learnt to my life later on."
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