Kód kurzu:
Název kurzu:
AP Statistics Online
Délka kurzu:
2 semesters
Rok školní docházky / Grade:
10 - 13
FLVS - Florida Virtual School Global
Detailní popis
This online course is designed to provide college-level instruction on the concepts and tools for working with data. Students collect and analyze data and draw conclusions based on real-world information. The course challenges students to explore patterns, think critically, use a variety of tools and methods, and report their findings and conclusions.
The AP Statistics course introduces students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. There are four themes evident in the content, skills, and assessment in the AP Statistics course: exploring data, sampling and experimentation, probability and simulation, and statistical inference. Students use technology, investigations, problem solving, and writing as they build conceptual understanding. The AP Statistics course is equivalent to a one-semester, introductory, non-calculus-based college course in statistics.
The AP Statistics course is an excellent option for any secondary school student who has successfully completed a second-year course in algebra and who possesses sufficient mathematical maturity and quantitative reasoning ability.
Study materials (e-books, Discovery Education, etc. ...) for FLVS Global courses are INCLUDED in the price of the course.
Statistika je oborem užitečným pro matematiky, ekonomy, biology, sociology, setkáme se s ní téměř ve všech přírodovědných, technických i humanitních oborech. Statistika je užitečná např. také pro porozumění reportážím nebo článkům v médiích. Kurz AP Statistics obsahuje většinu témat, s nimiž se na středních školách studenti v běžné výuce neseznámí. Naučí se, jak sbírat data, jak je graficky zpracovat a statisticky správně vyhodnotit. Seznámí se s počítáním pravděpodobností, s některými typy rozdělení pravděpodobnosti, s regresní a korelační analýzou. Studenti se také seznámí s konceptem AP exam a nacvičí si typové úlohy.
RNDr. Ing. Jana Kalová, PhD., instruktorka CTM Online kurzů
Statistics are a field useful not only for mathematicians, economists, biologists and sociologists. We will meet them in nearly all scientific, technical and even humanities subjects. Statistics can also be helpful to understand the information we receive in reports and articles. The AP Statistics course contains many topics which students will not meet in their common high school education. They will learn how to gather data, how to graphically process them and how to correctly statistically analyse them. They will become acquainted with calculating probabilities, with distinctions between types of probabilities, and with regression and correlation analysis. Students will also be introduced to the AP exam concept and they will practice relevant types of questions.
RNDr. Ing. Jana Kalová, PhD., CTM Online instructor
Kurz AP Statistics řadím mezi jeden z nejužitečnějších, které CTM nabízí. Pro orientaci v dnešním světě je tento online kurz obrovským přínosem, rozhodně se bude hodit každému studentovi vysoké školy.
Naučil jsem se s lehkostí číst vědecké výzkumy a články, ale i používat pokročilé vědecké metody, které využiji ve svém vysokoškolském studiu. Obsahem kurzu jsou anglické texty z různých akademických prostředí, díky kterým jsem si zlepšil angličtinu a naučil jsem se v ní "přemýšlet". Také jsem se naučil lepší argumentaci a kritickému myšlení.
Díky široké využitelnosti a zábavnému obsahu bych tento kurz doporučil všemi deseti!
Ondra M., 2022
Struktura kurzu
- Students will understand that statistical information is a powerful, pervasive force in our world.
- Exploratory analysis of data makes use of graphical and numerical techniques to study patterns and departures from patterns. [C2a]
- Data must be collected according to a welldeveloped plan if valid information is to be obtained. [C2b]
- Probability is the tool used for anticipating what the distribution of data should look like under a given model. [C2c]
- Statistical inference guides the selection of appropriate models. [C2d]
- Students will understand that statistics can be used to make valuable, reliable inferences from empirical information. [C2d]
- The appropriate communication and interpretation of statistics is essential to avoiding statistical abuse and/or misunderstanding. [C4]
- Analysis of data is made possible through the use of calculator and computer technology. [C5]
The course content is organized into nine commonly taught units, which have been arranged in the following suggested, logical sequence:
Segment One
Module 01 - Exploring Data
- Classifying Variables
- Describing Data
- Displaying Data
- Measuring Position
- Normal Distribution
Module 02 - Exploring Relationships
- Scatterplots and Correlation
- Least-Squares Regression
- Transformations
Module 03 - Collecting Data
- Sampling and Surveys
- Experiments
- Correlation Versus Causation
Module 04 - Probability and Random Variables
- Randomness and Simulations
- Probability
- Random Variables
- Binomial Random Variables
- Geometric Random Variables
Segment Two
Module 05 - Sampling Distributions and Confidence Intervals
- Sampling Distributions and Proportions
- Sample Means
- Confidence Intervals for Proportions
- Confidence Intervals for Means
Module 06 - Proportions
- Hypothesis Testing—One Proportion
- Errors, Power, and Significance
- Confidence Intervals—Two Proportions
- Hypothesis Testing—Two Proportions
Module 07 - Means and Slope
- Hypothesis Testing—One-Sample Mean
- Comparing Two Means
- Matched Pairs
- Linear Regression and Interval for Slope
Module 08 - Chi-Square
- Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test
- Chi-Square Tests of Inference
- Exploring and Collecting Data Review
- Probability, Sampling, and Inference Review
Sylabus kurzu
Syllabus AP Statistics
AP Statistics Course and Exam Description
K vašemu kurzu potřebujete tyto učebnice a studijní pomůcky (pokud ke kurzu potřebujete laboratorní sadu, zkuste si nejdříve dohodnout možnost využívání školní laboratoře):
Description | Number | Type | Source |
Lab Materials | Lab Material | provided by student | |
Graphic calculator Texas Instruments /recommended/ | Tool | provided by student | |
cena kurzu: 19 300,- Kč / 811,- EUR