Kód kurzu:
Název kurzu:
Latin II Online
Délka kurzu:
2 semestry
Rok školní docházky / Grade:
9 - 13
FLVS - Florida Virtual School Global
Detailní popis
Immerse yourself in a journey through Roman history using the Latin language as your guideposts. In the Latin 2 course, you will build upon your first level grammar and vocabulary skills to help increase fluency and language proficiency. You will explore the culture and apply what you learn through translation practice as well as writing, listening, and conversation exercises, while learning all about the different eras of Rome—from Foundation to Fall.
Follow the link below for the Department of Education description for this course:
Struktura kurzu
Sylabus kurzu
Ke kurzu nepotřebujete další materiály.
cena kurzu: 27 200,- Kč / 1 142,- EUR