datum: 17.01.2025

Kód kurzu:


Název kurzu:

Start with Creative Writing - Junior LitLab

Délka kurzu:

1 semestr

Rok školní docházky / Grade:

6 - 8 (Junior Program)



Detailní popis

Junior LitLab

The aim of this course is to provide students with essential (creative) writing skills and techniques. In addition to this, students who successfully complete Start with Creative Writing will be able to produce, both effectively and efficiently, all types of texts in English and will learn about general writing strategies which they will find useful in all fields of study. The course is the first step to more advanced courses of the CTM Creative Writing Programme.

Course Syllabus

1.0 Creative Workshop No. 1

1.1 Language Workshop: English Word Classes/Parts of Speech

1.2 The Elements of Creative Writing: Setting

1.3 Revision, Examples, Final Practice: Setting


2.0 Creative Workshop No. 2

2.1 Word Order of English Sentences

2.2 The Elements of Creative Writing: Describing a Character

2.3 Revision, Example, Final Practice: Characterisation


3.0 Creative Workshop No. 3

3.1 English Sentence I: Fragments and Fused Sentences

3.2 Elements of Creative Writing: An Effective Opening

3.3 Revision, Example, Final Practice: An Effective Opening

4.0 Creative Workshop No. 4

4.1 English Sentence II: Complex/Compound Sentences and Punctuation

4.2 Crafting A Story: Raising Action And Climax

4.3 Revision, Examples, Final Practice


Chceš se věnovat psaní a literatuře nebo chceš rozhýbat svou kreativitu a naučit se perfektně anglicky? Umíme to spojit v jeden kurz - Start with Creative Writing. Trocha literární teorie, trocha gramatiky, spousta zajímavých příběhů a prostor pro tvoje vlastní tvoření.

Co ti náš kurz přinese? 

Seznámíš se se základními principy kreativního procesu, naučíš se myslet v angličtině a budeš mít prostor pro vlastní tvorbu. Po skončení kurzu budeš vědět, jak vymodelovat příběh, nastavit si tón a charakter postav, budeš umět pracovat se zápletkou a pointou a odneseš si vlastní krátký příběh o 500 slovech.

Díky kurzu si rozšíříš slovní zásobu ve všech směrech - popisná přídavná jména, literární pojmy, netradiční slovesa. Prostor bude věnovaný i gramatice, správné skladbě slov i vět nebo zapeklité teorii, kde v angličtině správně používat čárky. Tvoje angličtina bude stát na pevných základech, ať už budeš psát nebo mluvit.

Po celou dobu kurzu ti bude k dispozici instruktor. Bude s tebou procházet všechny tvoje texty, poradí ti s výstavbou příběhu, dá ti zpětnou vazbu a další tipy, jak pracovat s dějem, postavami a jazykem.

Co je obsahem kurzu:


Struktura kurzu

Course Syllabus

1.0 Creative Workshop No. 1

1.1 Language Workshop: English Word Classes/Parts of Speech

1.2 The Elements of Creative Writing: Setting

1.3 Revision, Examples, Final Practice: Setting


2.0 Creative Workshop No. 2

2.1 Word Order of English Sentences

2.2 The Elements of Creative Writing: Describing a Character

2.3 Revision, Example, Final Practice: Characterisation


3.0 Creative Workshop No. 3

3.1 English Sentence I: Fragments and Fused Sentences

3.2 Elements of Creative Writing: An Effective Opening

3.3 Revision, Example, Final Practice: An Effective Opening

4.0 Creative Workshop No. 4

4.1 English Sentence II: Complex/Compound Sentences and Punctuation

4.2 Crafting A Story: Raising Action And Climax

4.3 Revision, Examples, Final Practice

Sylabus kurzu


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cena kurzu: 8 050,- Kč / 338,- EUR

Zkušenosti studentů

At first, the assigments were really not hard and easily managable, but they got harder pretty fast. But they were still fun to do, I almost always enjoyed them. The ideas of the assigments were great, somehow...appealing, assigments about Gandalf, Petra Kvitová etc.And the fact that it got harder over time, is the best thing by me. I learned how to manage my time and how to work under pressure. That is a good skill to learn. I also pretty quickly started to see my improvement - II was able to see my mistakes and I simply... felt that I got better. The one thing I was mostly scared of was the comunication. I'm a bit of an introvert, so the fact I should talk to someone was almost a dealbreaker. But in the end it was so much better than I imagined. I didn't have to talk with my teacher on call, and that was a huge relief for me. And both great and surprising thing is that I sometimes got a reply even on weekends, which saved me more than once.

In the end, I can't think of anything I didn't like about this course. I learned a ton of things, I cannot even name them all. I can surely say I’m very grateful for this experience.

Markéta P., 2023