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Rok školní docházky / Grade: 9 - 10 , 6 - 8 (Junior Program)
Termín: Pozdní podzim / Late Fall 2024
Partner: CTM , FLVS - Florida Virtual School Global
Comprehensive Science 1 is the first in a series of three consecutive science classes. This course provides an introduction to Science, Energy, Force, Weather, Climate, The Earth’s Systems, and the Living World. Students are strongly recommended to study 3 - 4 hours per week.
kód kurzu: FLVS_CSCIENCE1
délka kurzu: 1 semester
cena kurzu: 10 250,- Kč / 431,- EUR
rok školní docházky / grade: 6 - 8 (Junior Program)
partner: FLVS - Florida Virtual School Global
Comprehensive Science 2 is the second course in the Comprehensive Science Sequence. In this course students explore: the discipline of science, physical science, earth space science in addition to technology, engineering and mathematics concepts. Students are strongly recommended to study 3 - 4 hours per week.
PREREQUISITES: Comprehensive Science I recommended
kód kurzu: FLVS_CSCIENCE2
délka kurzu: 1 semester
cena kurzu: 10 250,- Kč / 431,- EUR
rok školní docházky / grade: 6 - 8 (Junior Program)
partner: FLVS - Florida Virtual School Global
Prepare for high school science courses with this introduction of new topics and review of science basics. You will learn more about the nature of science, Earth and space science, properties of matter, changes in matter, matter and energy, and energy flow. Students are strongly recommended to study 3 - 4 hours per week.
PREREQUISITES: Comprehensive Science 2 recommended
kód kurzu: FLVS_CSCIENCE3
délka kurzu: 1 semester
cena kurzu: 10 250,- Kč / 431,- EUR
rok školní docházky / grade: 6 - 8 (Junior Program)
partner: FLVS - Florida Virtual School Global
In this course you will learn the fundamentals of programming such as: loops, branching, variables, and functions which are the basic building blocks of all the apps that you use. We will use a program called “Scratch” which was developed exactly for our purposes. By the end of this course, you will understand how computer scientists think and how to transform even the wildest ideas into real Scratch programs! This course is ideal for curious and playful students studying in 8 - 9 grade, or older, with no prior programming experience, or younger students in 7th grade with good English and programming experience. Also, the course will help you develops solid basis for further work with major languages used in the software industry such as Java or Python. Students are strongly recommended to study on average 3 hours per week.
kód kurzu: CTM_SCRATCH_A
délka kurzu: 2 semesters
cena kurzu: 12 750,- Kč / 536,- EUR
rok školní docházky / grade: 6 - 8 (Junior Program), 8 - 10
partner: CTM
Would you like to boost your conceptual and critical thinking skills, improve your English, and learn about some of the most fascinating stories ever written? In that case, you simply have to jump straight into our brand new CTM Literature for Curious Minds! The course offers four broad thematic modules which will guide you through some of the most interesting texts written in English. By the end of the course, students will learn how to compare and contrast different sources of information, think critically and analyze information in English, acquire knowledge of selected areas of literature (written in English), express complex ideas, and ... enjoy literature. Skills acquired in this course are transferable across all academic disciplines. Students are strongly recommended to study 2 - 3 hours per week.
délka kurzu: 1 semestr
cena kurzu: 8 050,- Kč / 338,- EUR
rok školní docházky / grade: 6 - 8 (Junior Program)
partner: CTM
Language of Mathematics! This course develops essential computation skills with whole numbers, decimals, fractions, powers, and exponents. An introduction to geometric concepts and terminology is communicated. The course serves as a bridge between the elementary and higher mathematics. Course structure: numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages, powers and exponents, ratios and proportions, plane geometry, coordinate plane. Students are strongly recommended to study 2 - 3 hours per week.
kód kurzu: CTM_MATHS67
délka kurzu: 2 semestry
cena kurzu: 12 750,- Kč / 536,- EUR
rok školní docházky / grade: 6 - 8 (Junior Program)
partner: CTM
The human brain is fascinating. Where do thoughts and memories come from? What are emotions? And why do we behave the way we do? Above all, how do these factors influence our relationships with others? In Psychology I, you will begin to understand the human mind by exploring the research and theories of some of the most brilliant psychologists throughout history. Learn how psychology influences personality and development throughout the entire human lifespan, even from birth. Explore different psychological disorders and how they are treated according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder. And learn psychological tips that you can use every day, like how to cope and reduce stress. So, are you ready to unlock the mysteries of the human brain? Students are strongly recommended to study on average 4 hours per week.
délka kurzu: 2 semesters
cena kurzu: 13 500,- Kč / 567,- EUR
rok školní docházky / grade: 9 - 10
partner: FLVS - Florida Virtual School Global
Do you like books and stories? Do you enjoy reading and talking about books and stories? Well, wouldn’t you like to learn how to write stories of your own? Oh, you have already tried that? No? Would you like to? So many questions... and one easy answer – join our brand new Junior LitLab online course! The course offers piles of carefully designed interactive exercises focused on creative writing and thinking but also on vocabulary and language. Junior LitLab is a course not only for all future literati but for everyone interested in developing their increasingly important creative and artistic skills while at the same time working on their English! So, are you ready to join us? By the end of the course, students will become familiar with creative writing techniques and strategies, learn to work independently, formulate and process complicated ideas, and to produce original creative texts in English. The course opens the CTM Creative Writing series and therefore no prior experience in writing is required. Students are strongly recommended to study 2 - 3 hours per week.
kód kurzu: CTM_JUNLITLAB
délka kurzu: 1 semestr
cena kurzu: 8 050,- Kč / 338,- EUR
rok školní docházky / grade: 6 - 8 (Junior Program)
partner: CTM
The world we live in is full of mysteries! Are you courageous enough to explore its secrets? Start with Science A is a brand new online course by CTM which will guide you on fantastic journey through the fascinating world of natural sciences. In the first module of Start with Science A, you will explore the universal principles of science and explore the secrets of mathematics. You’ll surely use this knowledge in the second module which focuses on physics! Finally, the third module will teach how to “speak” the language of computers. So, are you ready to join us? Students are strongly recommended to study on average 2 hours per week.
kód kurzu: CTM_SCIENCE_A
délka kurzu: 1 semestr
cena kurzu: 8 050,- Kč / 338,- EUR
rok školní docházky / grade: 6 - 8 (Junior Program)
partner: CTM
The world we live in is full of mysteries! Are you courageous enough to explore its secrets? Start with Science B follows up on Start with Science A and guides students on their journey through the fascinating world of natural sciences. In the first module, Start with Science B explains what it means to be a scientist and shows what the world “science” actually means. The second module focuses on plants and animals, while the third module reveals the secrets of chemistry. So, are you ready to join us? Students are strongly recommended to study on averege 2 hours per week.
kód kurzu: CTM_SCIENCE_B
délka kurzu: 1 semestr
cena kurzu: 8 050,- Kč / 338,- EUR
rok školní docházky / grade: 6 - 8 (Junior Program)
partner: CTM
Did you know that today’s world is what it is because of what it was in the past? The History of the British Isles is a brand new online course by CTM which offers a chance to explore a wide range of fascinating topics from Britain’s early history, ranging from the arrival of the Romans to the Norman invasion. Through exploring the everyday life, works of art and literature, deeds of famous kings, saints and scholars, but also through English language itself, the course retells the complex story which laid the foundation of today’s Great Britain and Europe as we know it. By the end of the course, students will learn how to compare and contrast different sources of information, think critically and analyze information in English, acquire knowledge of selected areas of British and European history, and enjoy history. Are you ready to travel back in time and discover how history shapes the present? Students are strongly recommended to study on averege 2 hours per week.
kód kurzu: CTM_HISTORY
délka kurzu: 1 semester
cena kurzu: 8 050,- Kč / 338,- EUR
rok školní docházky / grade: 6 - 8 (Junior Program)
partner: CTM
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