datum: 30.03.2025

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Algebra II Honors Online

Délka kurzu:

2 semesters

Rok školní docházky / Grade:

9 - 13


FLVS - Florida Virtual School Global

Detailní popis

It’s time to finish what you started. In Algebra I, you learned that algebra is an efficient way to solve some real-world problems. You also acquired the power to do a lot of the important basic work. Now, after a quick review, you’ll be ready to tackle Algebra IB. 

This course works like the last one. You’ll get step-by-step instructions with all the numbers, equations, and graphs on the screen right in front of you. You’ll also have plenty of time to practice and plenty of opportunities to ask your teacher for help. Along with learning new algebraic strategies and properties, you’ll learn data analysis concepts and techniques. You’ll also see how algebra connects with other high school subjects like geometry, statistics and biology.

Algebra 2 is an advanced course using hands-on activities, applications, group interactions, and the latest technology. Students will learn about polynomials, quadratic equations, linear, nonlinear, exponential, and logarithmic functions, sequences, probability and statistics, and inequalities. Throughout the course, these mathematical concepts are applied to everyday occurrences to demonstrate how the world around us functions. Interactive examples help guide students’ journey through customized feedback and praise. Students have opportunities to work with their peers on specific lessons.

These courses will also give you a powerful tool for understanding how the world works, and how to make it work for you.

 Instructor Daniel says:

The Algebra 2 course is a huge step for aspiring young future scientists and engineers in their mathematical knowledge. It is a bridge from simple arithmetics to advanced topics such as exponential and logarithmic functions, statistical modelling or trigonometry. On the way, you may learn for example about a branch of numbers which are not real but they are crucial to the real world as we know it! For the entire course an instructor will be at hand for you to answer any questions that you may have and to provide you with real-life examples to stimulate your interest in the subject. Thus, you may calculate together how long it will take before the Chernobyl area returns to a safe level of radiation, or try to figure out as many ways as possible of obtaining the golden ratio in geometry, nature and mathematical sequences.

Many of the students gain their motivation and confidence in Algebra 2 to continue exploring math and science in advanced AP courses, such as AP Calculus BC or AP Physics. And I am sure that the course can spark this joy in you as well! See you there!

Study materials (e-books, Discovery Education, etc. ...) for FLVS Global courses are INCLUDED in the price of the course.


Struktura kurzu

Study Scope and Sequence

Segment One

Module 01 - Radical and Polynomial Operations 

Module 02 - Factoring and Quadratics 

Module 03 - Solving Polynomials 

Module 04 - Rational Equations 

Module H1 - Segment One Honors


Segment Two

Module 05 - Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 

Module 06 - Systems of Equations 

Module 07 - Inequalities and Functions

Module H2: Segment Two Honors


Sylabus kurzu




K vašemu kurzu potřebujete tyto učebnice a studijní pomůcky (pokud ke kurzu potřebujete laboratorní sadu, zkuste si nejdříve dohodnout možnost využívání školní laboratoře):

Graphing CalculatorToolNOT included in the price of the course


cena kurzu: 13 500,- Kč / 567,- EUR

Zkušenosti studentů

This course gave me a lot of new informations. Some of them were reviews of something I have known but then there were harder and more complex informations that I have learned. It was a great way to improve my math and get better.

Jakub M., 2023