datum: 31.03.2025

Kód kurzu:


Název kurzu:

English for STEM Online Part B

Délka kurzu:

1 semester

Rok školní docházky / Grade:

9 - 13



Detailní popis

English for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) is aimed at self-motivated students with at least an upper-intermediate knowledge of English.

The course will provide students with a more specialized vocabulary not taught in most EFL classes, preparing them to study technical subjects in English at the high school or college level. Students should already be comfortable with English syntax and have experience writing their own texts of at least a paragraph in length. They should be able to understand English news articles with the help of a bilingual dictionary.

During the 10-week course, students will work through eight lessons with assigned reading, paragraph-response questions, and vocabulary quizzes. During the final two weeks, they will research and write an essay on a topic of their choosing.

The course is divided into two tracks: track A focuses on mathematics, the physical sciences, and information technology, while track B focuses on the life sciences, psychology, and economics. Each track is taught as a stand- alone course, so students can choose to take one or both, depending on their interests.


Struktura kurzu

Study Scope and Sequence

English for STEM - track B: 10-week outline:

01. statistics + inference, response questions, vocabulary quiz

02. biology, response questions, vocabulary quiz

03. psychology, response questions, vocabulary quiz

04. economics, response questions, vocabulary quiz

05. article, response questions, vocabulary quiz

06. article, response questions, vocabulary quiz

07. article, response questions, vocabulary quiz

08. article, response questions, vocabulary quiz

09. final essay idea, bibliography exercise

10. final essay


Sylabus kurzu


Ke kurzu nepotřebujete další materiály.


cena kurzu: 8 050,- Kč / 338,- EUR

Zkušenosti studentů

Pro mě jsou největší motivací vysoké cíle, protože pokud si nastavím lehce dosažitelný cíl, často na něm pracuji na poslední chvíli a nevydávám ze sebe maximum. Pokud si však nastavím skoro až nedosažitelný cíl, tak práci spojenou s tímto cílem neodkládám (protože bych jinak svého cíle nedosáhla) a vydám ze sebe víc než obvykle. I přesto že svého cíle pak často nedosáhnu, jsem spokojená s výsledkem, protože jsem toho dokázala mnohem víc, než kdybych dosáhla menšího cíle.

Natália B., 2021